TUTOS Homepage / Easy Installation
how to install TUTOS / the easy way

  1. If you are updating from an older relase. Make a copy of your [tutosdir]/php/config.php and [tutosdir]/apache.conf !
  2. get the latest tarball/zipfile from TUTOS Project. Go to the directory where you like to install the software.
  3. if you got the bzip version
    tar xvjf tutos.....tar.bz2
  4. if you got the gzip version
    tar xvzf tutos.....gz
  5. Change to the newly created tutos directory
    Note: That directory should be accessible by your webserver.
  6. edit [tutosdir]/php/config.php according to your Database settings.
    If you are not updating you have to start a new config.php by copy the lines you want to change from config_default.pinc
    You should read the complete file config_default.pinc (!) and make all your changes in your personal config.php. Keep in mind that a later update of TUTOS will again overwrite the config_default file.
  7. if you are updating: Read the [tutosdir]/ChangeLog file in your base directory and call the http://[yourserver]/tutos/php/admin/update.php?id=XX page where XX is the database index from your config.php
    Updaters should stop here !
  8. You will need a database and a DB User.
    Functions to create your empty database and setting up a database user are not part of TUTOS (but here's a hint for mysql)
  9. .
  10. edit [tutosdir]/apache.conf and include it into your apache httpd.conf
    a line like "Include /home/gero/src/tutos/apache.conf" will do it.
    Restart apache !.
    This step could be optional if you can already reach your TUTOS install dir using your current apache setup.
    Nevertheless have a look at this file (apache.conf) in order to see what we do there.
  11. run http://[yourserver]/tutos/php/admin/scheme.php
    • depending on the number of steps you perform you will have a runable tutos installation afterwards
    • with a superuser account (User: superuser Password: (read the resulting page) CHANGE THIS LATER !!)
    • with some example users and data
  12. test everything
    • Login at http://[yourserver]/tutos/php/mytutos.php with the above username and password
  13. remove[tutosdir]/php/admin/scheme.php and [tutosdir]/php/admin/update.php and from your php subdir or at least disable it for public use!!!
  14. CHECK that http://[yourserver]/tutos/php/config.php is not readable. This should be the case if you leave [tutosdir]/php/.htaccess intact and/or use the provided [tutosdir]/apache.conf, otherwise you should provide some own protection.

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install_easy.html was last modified on Friday, 28-Dec-2012 13:32:54 UTC